Scaling New Heights: Empowering Women in the Blue Economy on the Path

Kelly Clark
from €5,000 (22%)

What motivates me is the opportunity to help others, particularly women in the workplace, by empowering them to achieve their full potential and creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone.

I am partnering with Voluntary Services Overseas and my employer, Randstad, to raise money to support women entrepreneurs and building a better blue economy in Tanzania.

As part of this fundraising challenge, I’ll be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in February 2025 alongside several of my Randstad colleagues from across the globe! It’s a 6-day trek covering over 50 miles, and I’ve already begun my training and fundraising efforts. Your support would mean the world to me as I embark on this personal journey to make a difference in my life and the lives of women in Tanzania.

Any contribution you can make would be greatly appreciated!

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€15 14-09-2024 | 14:28
€100 14-09-2024 | 03:32
€50 14-09-2024 | 01:35
€200 10-09-2024 | 23:08 Have fun. We are so proud of the impact your making!
€200 07-09-2024 | 00:52
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Thank You to Our Donors for Supporting the VSO Initiative!

05-09-2024 | 14:49 We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the generous donors who are helping us make a difference through our initiative in Tanzania's blue economy. With your support, we are tackling the significant barriers hindering women's participation, such as gender discrimination, lack of specialized assistance, underrepresentation in decision-making, environmental challenges, and the burden of unpaid care work. Through our Volunteering for Development (V4D) approach, we aim to empower over 3,000 marginalized youth, especially women, by offering inclusive business development services, psychosocial support, and promoting the establishment of women-led cooperatives. Your contributions are instrumental in ensuring that we create lasting, sustainable change for these communities. Together, we are paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable future. Thank you for being part of this journey!
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